Saturday, October 16, 2010


   Oh lord, 4.0 has finally came out! Ive been dreading this for a while now! It is the patch they always put out before the expansion to get everyone use to the class changes.

   I don't know if anyone out there is really dissappointed with how blizzard handled this patch, but I sure am. And I know im going to sound like just another hunter out there complaining about their new "Focus". But one of the reasons I made a hunter was to get away from the constant lack of resource loss.

   I played a rogue for all of BC and a little of vanilla. I was kinda tired of the whole "Energy" thing. And I was like, oh... Ill make a hunter, Its still Physical dps, Just ranged. So I made a hunter and I honestly loved the mana resource, But I completely understand hunters lack of "Spell Casting".

  So, It will take some getting use to I suppose, I'm just a little upset that I can only pull 6k dps :( I heard it was suppose to be significantly better, but I haven't seen anything at all I like this patch besides the Blood Death Knight Tanking.

   It will just take sometime! Have a good time refiguring out wow, Cause ill be doing the same thing ;D

Friday, September 17, 2010

Raid music

   What music do you raid with? Heres my personal favorites:

  1. Disturbed
  2. Slightly Stoopid
  3. Dirty Heads
  4. Alice in chains
  5. Other sorts of Reggae ;D
  6. Some good ol Steve Miller
   There are several more, Just an interesting topic. During raids you always hear others music over their mic and your like what it is that? So I just thought id fine out what other people listen to to get them motivated.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Jaelynn and Tfirsapp interviewing me (Questions)

   This is just after the Llane server when down and I decided to give my blog an interesting update and have my friend ask me a series of questions. Enjoy...

  • Q=What are you looking forward to in Cataclysm? A=Im really looking forward to the new raiding mechanics that they are using. In terms of the raid 10/25 that drops same look. With fewer people :) Also flying in Azeroth that has been needed for a long time!
  • Q=Would you make a goblin or worgen character? A=In all honesty, I do not plan on making either. Ive always been the guy to be more original with his toons, and these characters are going to be overplayed by alot!
  • Q=Who's going to be your main when Cataclysm comes? A=It honestly depends on how the hunter changes are. Ive heard several negative things and if it is not going to be enjoyable then i'm considering switching my main to my Priest, Death Knight or Rogue. So I guess we'll see how it plays out.
  • Q=Have you ever made a girl toon? A=Yes! I got tired of staring at Tauren and Blood Elf male ass, so I made my priest Begonias is a Female Blood Elf.
  • Q=If you could introduce a new race to World of Warcraft, which would it be? A=I would introduce the Orge race into the World of Warcraft as a playable race. For the purpose of, I love sitting in front of mailboxes on my Tauren, so if you think about how much bigger a Orge would be... That's why ;D
  • Q=If you could spot Blizzard for making certain changes to World of Warcraft, which ones would you stop? A=I would definitely stop the change in hunter focus. I would also like to stop the AoE nerf, there cutting AoE in half... Maybe more?
   Well thats it for today! Tune in sometime soon!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

You fail if...

   As this week comes to an end, I have experienced several people who just fail intensely. Here is the weekly post of fail...

   You fail if you:
  • Forget your hearthstone in your bank
  • Don't have enough money to repair
  • Don't have any sort of flying training
  • Cant walk and chew bubble gum
  • Cant follow instructions
  • Jerk it to wow
  • In a cup?
  • Bitch at people online to get your fix of bitching
  • Make fun of noobs
  • Troll hardcore
   And last but not least!
  • If your name is Metapod
    Well that's it for today! Tune in tomorrow!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

As lich king dwindles down!

   Its always interesting to see how the server takes the end of expansions. Most people take a break till the new one, in this case Cataclysm. Some give up and farm gold, mats, etc... And some are kinda there. So I have devised a list of things id like to do in order to keep me busy in WoW till Cataclyms.

  • Achieve 5,000 honorable kills on my hunter
  • Gear and raid on my Death Knight
  • Learn how to "Play" the auction house
  • Earn gold
  • Kill heroic Deathwhisper on 25
  • Kite the world dragon to orgrimmar
  • Solo the guy outside of Black Temple
   Thats pretty much it, if your a person that loves wow but finds yourself really really struggled to keep busy, I advise you give this a try and make big events out of it. Thats it for this week! Id like to get more followers so I can do a little "Ask Mav" day or something. Im also going to start other weekly things consisting of several different things.

   Stay tuned for tomorrow!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


   As you experience more and more players in the World of Warcraft you start to see rivals build up, people take part in certain things together that they exclude other people from, people getting in arguments and such. Well ive beeb lucky enough to avoid all this drama because quite frankly, its just not who I am. Things ive seen in my time playing wow are as follows:

  •  Guild leaders of guilds who have been around since Vanilla usually tend to butt heads causing issues between the guilds. The leader of the guild I'm currently in, and the guild leader of another guild have been in theory "Rivals" since I can remember playing wow. They always go back and forth on the forums at each other. Which this causes issues between out guild in total as "Rivals". 
  • Another interesting subject is how people try to corner someone else. Ive seen this several times in the guild I use to be in. Someone who thought they were "All that" and just the god of warcraft got him and his buddies together and they just consistently picked on this poor guy just trying to do his job. Which in my personal opinion those people are scrubs, and got the kick :)
  • The terrible people at wow, who try to challenge the good players. That's all I need to say for that one.
  • And I'm going to give you guys an actual link of a guild recruiting, that just makes me say wow... I don't even know how there are some players like this in the world: Click Here to view. Please read this and let me know what you think, Because quite frankly I think its ridiculous.
  • And as you all know and probably have experienced, the famous trade trollers. These are the people who consistently camp trade chat, say stupid unnecessary things, try to get people to believe them and so on. It is really just unneeded and every time I see it I try to point it out because its one of those things that really irritates me.
   Well that's it for today! Stay tune for me complaining more tomorrow!

Sunday, August 22, 2010


   As we go throughout our lives (In-game, or out-of-game) we have experienced many changed to our normal way of living or processing certain tasks that we usually do. In the case of out-of-game, I have currently been accepted to take IT class's to get a computer engineering technician. So I may be having a change in my raiding schedule. In-game, as I'm sure most of you know, Hunters are going to experience a change in resources for their shots and abilities. Death Knights are getting a good thing changed to their Runes for their benefit. Rogues aren't really getting much done. But basically im just discussing how many people go about change.

   Most people in wow usually just quite their current character. For instance, When I got back into Wow from my extended break, Hunters were the new paladins in wow. When there was a Vault of Archivon group forming, most groups would say "Full on Hunters". Almost every group. So you know what I would do? Id make my own group. But anyways, From the comparison to then when no one knew about the changes in store for Hunters, everyone and their cousins had a Hunter. Now that everyone knows the horrible "Focus" Disaster, they have quite playing their Hunters. Which in theory is a good thing for me, most of my raiding now only has 1-2 Hunters if that in the group (Which makes me smile! No competition on loot). Its happened to other class's several times. In wow what ive seen is people just give up on things, making comments like "Oh Blizzard hates us". "Blizzard is stupid for doing this". If you think about it... Most of the changes they have made for every single class benefits them in someway.

   In real life people try to adapt themselves to try to do what they want, but just to try to please themselves and not change their ways. Which is understandable, but for instance: I got accepted into a school for IT Technician and Engineering, now to be completely honest with my viewers, I'm probably not going to be able to keep my current raiding schedule, which is Sunday-Thursday 7:20-11:00. There's almost no way i'm going to be able to continue this schedule with all the studying and homework I'll have. There's also no way I'm even going to put myself through the unnecessary torture of raiding that much and not get my stuff for real life up. Basically,  people try to make themselves jump through hoops just to get their normal activities done.

   When you think about it... Would you really want to have the same things and the same schedule for your whole life? Well people sure make it seem like it. If this did happen, and nothing ever changed, id for one probably quite wow, and my real life activities would be so god awful boring.

   Well that's all I have for today! I think sometime soon I'm going to try to have something out of the ordinary on my page or something. Who knows, Ill think it over. Till next time!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Character Assumptions

   As I have played through World of Warcraft, Throughout Vanilla, Burning Crusade, and now, Wrath of the Lich King, I have noticed several things as I have encountered players of different types of players (Class, Faction, Race, etc.) in the wonderful World of Warcraft. Throughout these encounters I have made several assumptions that I see as the "Average" player depending upon who, what, and how they play. For example...

  1. All 3 of my characters use to be the faction of Alliance, and I have done several groups with several different players to determine my "Average" opinion of all Alliance people. As some of you may know, I play on the server Llane, where the Alliance to Horde ratio is 1.4:1. So with that being said Alliance quite allot of the Llane population. Most of these Alliance from studies and experience on the Alliance I assume at least 60% of the Alliance population is children from ages 7-12. Most, and I use the word "Most" very openly, act very immature during everything that happens.  
  2. I was in a top raiding guild on Alliance called, Anguish. To be quite fair, they are what Alliance calls "Good Players". Alliance's strategies are: "Lets just zerg the boss", "Maybe we can kill it before adds come out", "Lets just burn it down". For those of you not completely understanding what I am saying, I'm basically saying that Alliance uses almost no "Intense" Strategies, Also using "Intense" very openly. Most of the Alliance are (If you'd like to compare by Gearscore) in the top raiding guilds, Around a 6.3 average gear rating. So their first instinct is to: "Burn the boss before adds came out". Which an example of this would be an Alliance guild actually was the first to try to "Zerg" Sartharion 3drakes. Which is successful, But I'm just trying to get at, Horde, by a long shot has a better understanding of the word "Strategy", which is what I call, "Good Players". 
  3.  Class wise, When I look at different class, I automatically assume one specific things which are as follows (Horde wise at least): Priest= Good healing wise, Shadow Priests kind of scare me to bring in raids. Characteristics of the actual person are kind of a stuck up prick. Death Knight= I'm laughing as I start this sentence, Dps wise is either a noob who can't pull any dps, or a well geared overpowered Death Knight who facerolls everything in sight. Tanking wise, I don't really have an opinion. Hunter= This is my pride and joy class. They are either really good dps and have a great understanding, or a complete noob and can't pull anything worth bringing into a raid. Now a days at least "Good" hunters are very hard to come by, its not like a Paladin or Death Knight or Mage where you can over gear yourself to about a 6.2+ Gearscore and just faceroll shit. Most "Good" hunters Ive seen have around a 5.9-6k Gearscore and pull just as much to more then every other class. It really just depends on the player. Paladin, Tanking wise, I usually expect a very noobish pally who can't hold aggro, or one of those pallys who can really play a prot pally and gives you good feelings when you look at him. Dps wise, pretty much every pally can do 5k dps so I don't have an opinion. Healing pally, pretty much the same as a prot pally. Mage, great dps overall, Don't have very much opinion on. Warlock, Either great dps if they know how to play and their rotation down, very terrible if they do not have the proper gear. Druids, Dps melee wise, push overs and don't even let them in my raid, Boomkin, Ive never even seen a bad boomkin cause their so hard to play and only experienced players venture into that part of a druid. Tree wise, Great at PvP great for raid healing, Never seen a bad one. Tank, eh, its a little iffy. Im currently experimenting with one myself, good at single target tanking, terrible at AoE packs cause their always "Rage Starved" and can't get enough swipes off. Warriors, dps wise, good dps if they know how to play, and depending on spec. Tanking, same as druid, has a potential to be good, but if you have one in your raid, he better be the boss tank. Rogues! One of my favorite class', Ive never seen a bad one so that's my opinion. Shaman same thing, pretty much great overall for raid healing and for ranged or melee dps.
   Well that about sums up today's postings of my thoughts. I guess I may just be really judgmental or I guess in a way, "Racist" of some World of Warcraft characters. I'm not sure, But those are my opinions. Tell next time! 

Thursday, August 19, 2010


   This has been a very interesting subject to me since I have been in grade school and your computer teacher tells you "Blogs are bad, along with pornography". So just recently I started reading a popular friend of mines and been interested and thought id create one to share my thoughts on subjects thoughout my day.

   So my thoughts for this day which is Thursday the 19 are:

  • Damn, I almost lost my pride and joy today, My computer. I had to completely system restore and back up all my files in safe mode. On the bright side I did get a lot of needed updates installed that made my computer a lot faster.
  • I'm pretty addicted to World of Warcraft... Maybe I should stop and take a break from playing.... Naaaaaaa, I'm good Lol.
  • The lack of my game today has really put me in a entertainment tizzy, Ive done things I usually don't do. Like watch the dryer sheets go round and round.
  • If only there was a way to not have anymore bad luck. The pass year has been full of bad luck and in a big series of failness.
  • I really can't wait to get my Death Knight leveled up and geared to tank. I also made a priest, so I wouldn't have the option of switching to physical dps (Lol Melee Priest?) like my 3 other toons which are: Hunter, Rogue, which basically are the same class besides one is ranged and one is melee, and a Death Knight, which is basically a plate wearing Rogue.
  • Also how my schedule is going to effect my raiding weekly schedule. I'm gonna try to stick it out as long as possible. Hopefully it works.
So that sums up this first blog post of mine. I guess it has been fun the 12 minutes I have been typing this up. I look forward to further sharing my thoughts to everyone.

That's all for today, Ill focus more on one subject next time!